Our Services
at Stips LLC, we verify all future receivables, for all of your merchants. With any new business deal that comes through, we confirm and check through every deposit, and trace back to who sent it, as well as their contact information. Additionally, we contact the merchant for a merchant interview, getting any hidden information that he may be withholding.
Each report comes with contact for each client on the AR - names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses - as well as any monthly bills associated with the company, any additional physical assets he may own, and any additional banks he uses, or may potentially use.
How It Works
Deal Submission
Each deal is treated on its own, with a skilled underwriter reviewing each document and line under scrutiny
Deal Review
A sheet is created for every individual deal, with clarified sections for each piece of information, as well as clear ways to contact, and the level of priority for each contact
Once all information is in, and you, as the funder, can clearly trace every penny back to its source, it's time to fund - and collect!
Why Choose Us
15+ Years of combined Experience
Complete knowledge breakdown of each deal
detailed AR contact sheet
Over 2,000 Satisfied Clients
easy integration system
Constantly Evolving